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Learn About More Ways You Can Save

Explore the savings opportunities below to learn how you can make an impact on your business' energy usage. For personalized opportunities, go to My Plan. Get started by selecting "Save to Plan", "Mark Completed", or "Decline".

Plan to save money and improve comfort
See what efficiency measures will actually make your house more comfortable and save you money - even after any cash outlays!
How Your Home Uses Energy
Your home uses energy throughout the day, for heating, cooling, cooking, lighting, entertainment and many other applications.
Making Your Plan
This tool puts all the options on the table and helps you figure out the best way to reduce your utility bill spending!
A Low Cost Approach
Everyone knows that running full loads of laundry costs you less in the long run than running partial loads.
Your House and the Whole Home Approach
Your home and the energy related equipment (including insulation in walls, windows, and other structural components) are likely worth tens of thousands of dollars.
Thinking through solar
Many homeowners are interested in learning about how solar panels can lower their energy spending and reduce their carbon footprint.
Health and comfort
There are many potential opportunities to improve the health and comfort of your home.
Low Carbon
Many homeowners are increasingly focused on how to live a lower carbon lifestyle.
Finding the Right Products
Making the right choices when you are upgrading your appliances or purchasing new equipment can save you a very large amount of money.
Choosing a Contractor
Once you create a plan, the next step is often to find a contractor to help with items such as installing insulation or replacing your heating systems or sealing your ducts.
Financing Energy Upgrades
Many times, making investments in your home can lead to either a significant return or improve the comfort of your home.
Home Automation
So by now, many people have a smart phone and use apps to manage many of the parts of their life on the go.
Electric Vehicles
Tracking your bills
Bill and usage information can be powerful tools to help you better manage (and reduce) your consumption.
Simple snapshot
We’ve created a dashboard to help you manage your utility services.
Why does my bill change each month?
Utility bills can vary significantly by month; in some cases by hundreds of dollars a month.
We provide Home Utility Reports to give you an easy to understand view of your usage and how you can save money on your monthly bills.
Making a plan is the first step in the process.