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Why does my bill change each month?

Why Does My Bill Change Each Month?

Utility bills can vary significantly by month; in some cases by hundreds of dollars a month. Many customers wonder why their bills are changing and want a deeper understanding of how they can reduce their bills. 


Heating and cooling costs can be up to 50% of many customers’ bills. Winter and summer months can be significantly more expensive than more temperate months such as May and October. For older, inefficient homes, the variation between heating / cooling seasons and temperate months will be even larger.

Energy Saving Actions

Frequently, consumers make changes in their homes to save energy. Small things such as turning off lights or closing curtains at night in the winter can save energy. In addition, large changes such as upgrading insulation, weatherizing your home, or replacing your old washing machine can significantly lower your bill.

Billing Days

Bills are not always run over the same number of days. In fact, bills can vary from as little as 26 days to as high as 35 days in a period. This makes it more difficult for homeowners to properly compare between months.

Bills can change for a number of other reasons including changes in utility prices or just increased usage (e.g. another person stays for at the house, added a refrigerator in the garage).

How Can I Track This?

We provide simple tools to drill down into your usage to help you understand the reasons that your bills change. We also provide tools, such as alerts, that can give you reminders and report events, opportunities and progress